The Golden Man (1980)
The short story the Golden Man was used as an inspiration for the movie Next.
American Editions
- Berkley 1980, 337 p, $2.25, paperback
- SFBC 1980, 326 p, $5.98, hard cover
British Editions
- Magnum 1981, 336 pages, £1.50, paperback
- Methuen 1983 (reprinted 1986), £1.75, 336 pages, paperback
The Golden Man
- The Golden Man (1954)
- Return Match (1967)
- The King Of The Elves (1953)
- The Mold Of Yancy (1955)
- Not By Its Cover (1968)
- The Little Black Box (1964)
- The Unreconstructed M (1957)
- The War With The Fnools (1974)
- The Last Of The Masters (1954)
- Meddler (1954)
- A Game Of Unchance (1964)
- Sales Pitch (1954)
- Precious Artifact (1964)
- Small Town (1954)
- The Pre-Persons (1974)