American Editions
British Edition
From the Back cover
"Whether writing brilliantly idiosyncratic science fiction or uniquely Dickian contemporary novels, Philip K. Dick was a major American literary talent who deserves an even wider audience that the formidable one he reached in his lifetime. This novel may be (as Dick himself believed) the best of all his unpublished mainstream works"
Michael Bishop
From the inside
The Man Whose Teeth Were All Exactly Alike was written by Philip K. Dick in the winter and spring of 1960, in Point Reyes Station, California. It was written on commission for, but not published by, Harcourt, Brace and Company in New York. Like the ten other mainstream (non-science fiction) novels Dick had written in the precious five years, it went unpublished at the time it was written. In the sequence of Dick's work, The Man Whose Teeth... was written immediately after Confessions of a Crap Artist; the next book Dick wrote after The Man Whose Teeth... was The Man in the High Castle, the Hugo-Award-winning science fiction novel that ushered in the next stage of Dick's career.
Paul Williams, Literary Executor, Estate of Philip K. Dick-