Dr Bloodmoney (1965)
Dr Bloodmoney is another great Philip K. Dick novel from the very productive period of the sixties. The book was published as a paperback original. The only hard cover edition available is the Gregg Press edition.
New: Foreign editions of Philip K. Dick books.
American Editions
- Ace 1965, 222 pages, 40c, paperback
- Ace 1976, 222 pages, $1.50, paperback
- Gregg Press 1977, 222p, $11.00, hard cover, illustrated
- Dell 1980, 304 pages, $2.25, paperback
- Bluejay 1985, 314 pages, $2.25, trade paperback
- Carrol & Graf 1988, 304 pages, $3.95, paperback
- Vintage 2002, 304 pages, $13.00, trade paperback
- in "Five Novels From the 1960s and 70s", Library of America, 2008, 1,000 pages, $40, hard cover
- Mariner Books 2012, 304 pages, $14.95, trade paperback
British Editions
- Arrow 1977, 290 pages, 80p, paperback
- Arrow 1987, 290 pages, £2.50, paperback
- Legend 1990, 290 pages, £3.99, paperback
(same cover as Arrow 1987)
- Gollancz 2000, 304 pages, £6.99, trade paperback
- Gollancz 2007, 304 pages, £7.99, trade paperback
- Gollancz 2014, 304 pages, £8.99, trade paperback
Cover Gallery
Ace, 1965 | Ace, 1976 | Arrow, 1977 | Gregg Press, 1977 | Dell, 1980 |
Bluejay, 1985 | Arrow, 1987 | Carroll and Graf, 1988 | Vintage, 2002 | Gollancz, 2007 |
Mariner, 2012 | Gollancz, 2014 |
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