The Simulacra (1964)
The Simulacra is set in the middle of the twenty-first century. It is the story of an America where the whole government is a fraud and the President is an android...this novel contains all of Philip K. Dick's favorite themes. It was expanded from the short story "Novelty Act".
New: Foreign editions of Philip K. Dick books.
American Editions
- Ace 1964, 192 pages, 40c, paperback
- Ace 1976, 246 pages, $1.50, paperback
- Vintage 2002, 244 pages, $12, trade paperback
- Mariner 2012, 224 pages, $13.95, trade paperback
British Editions
- Magnum 1977, 220 pages, 75p, paperback
- Eyre Methuen 1977, 220 pages, £2.95p, hard cover
- Magnum 1983, 1987, 220 pages, £2.95, paperback
- Gollancz 2005, 320 pages, £6.99, trade paperback
Cover Gallery
Ace, 1964 | Ace, 1976 | Magnum, 1977 | Methuen, 1977 | Magnum, 1983 |
Vintage, 2002 | Gollancz, 2005 | Mariner, 2011 |
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