The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch (1964)
The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch is one of Philip K. Dick's masterpieces. If you want to read only one PKD book, this is the one. The Three Stigmata is partially expanded from the short story "The Days of Perky Pat" published in Amazing Stories (12/1963).
New: Foreign editions of Philip K. Dick books.
American Editions
- Doubleday 1964, 278 pages, $4.95, hard cover
- Science Fiction Book Club 1965, 230 pages, $1.20, hard cover
- Macfadden 1966, 191 pages, 60c, paperback
- Macfadden 1971, 191 pages, 95c, paperback
- Manor 1975, 191 pages, $1.25, paperback — the cover of this book has been used for Frank Herbert's Dune
- Gregg Press 1979, 278 pages, $14.95, hard cover, illustrated
- Daw 1983, 192 pages, $2.50, paperback
- Bantam 1977, 245 pages, $1.75, paperback
- Vintage 1991, 202 pages, $10.00, trade paperback
- SF Book Club Edition 1992, hard cover
- Thorndike 2002, 311 pages, hard cover (large print)
- in "Counterfeit Unrealities", SF Book Club Edition 2002, $14.99, 724 pages, hard cover
- in "Four Novels of the 1960s", Library of America 2007, 900 pages, $35, hard cover
- Mariner 2011, 240 pages, $13.95, trade paperback
British Editions
- Cape 1966, 278 pages, hard cover
- Penguin 1973, 203 pages, 30p, paperback
- Panther 1978, 204 pages, 85p, paperback
- Triad Granada 1984, 204 pages, £1.95, paperback
- Triad Grafton 1987, 204 pages, £2.50, paperback
- Grafton 1992, 204 pages, £4.99, paperback
- Voyager 1996 (reissued in 1998), 208 pages, trade paperback
- Gollancz 2003, 320 pages, £6.99, trade paperback
- in "Five Great Novels" Gollancz 2004, 841 pages, £12.99
- Gollancz 2007, 224 pages, £7.99, trade paperback
- in "Five Great Novels", Gollancz 2008, 848 pages, £14.99
- Phoenix 2012, 224 pages, £7.99, trade paperback
- Gollancz 2013(?), 240 pages, £8.99, trade paperback
Cover Gallery
Doubleday, 1965 | Cape, 1966 | Macfadden, 1966 | Macfadden, 1971 | Penguin, 1973 |
Manor, 1975 | Bantam, 1977 | Panther, 1978 | Gregg Press, 1979 | Daw, 1983 |
Triad Grafton, 1984 | Triad Grafton, 1987 | Vintage, 1991 | Grafton, 1992 | SFBCE, 1992 |
Voyager, 1996 | Thorndike, 2002 | SFBCE, 2002 | Gollancz, 2003 | Gollancz, 2004 |
Gollancz, 2007 | Library of America, 2007 | Gollancz, 2008 | Mariner, 2011 | Phoenix, 2012 |
Gollancz, 2013 |
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