Science Fiction Novels

Blade Runner Clans of the Alphane Moon The Cosmic PuppetsCounter-Clock WorldThe Crack in Space Deus Irae The Divine Invasion Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? Dr. Bloodmoney Dr. Futurity Eye in the Sky Flow My Tears, The Policeman Said Galactic Pot-Healer The Game Players of Titan The Ganymede TakeoverLies, Inc. The Man in the High Castle The Man Who Japed Martian Time-Slip A Maze of Death Nick and the Glimmung Now Wait for Last YearOur Friends from Frolix 8 The Penultimate Truth Radio Free Albemuth A Scanner Darkly The Simulacra Solar Lottery The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch Time Out of Joint The Transmigration of Timothy Archer Ubik The Unteleported Man VALIS Vulcan's Hammer We Can Build You The World Jones Made World of Chance The Zap Gun

Science Fiction Novels First Editions

Solar Lottery
Ace, 1955

The Man Who Japed
Ace, 1956

The World Jones Made
Ace, 1956

World of Chance
Rich and Cowan, 1956

The Cosmic Puppets
Ace, 1957

Eye In The Sky
Ace, 1957

The Variable Man
Ace, 1957

Time Out of Joint
Lippincott, 1959

Dr Futurity
Ace, 1960

Vulcan's Hammer
Ace, 1960

The Man In The High Castle
Putnam, 1962

The Game-Players of Titan
Ace, 1963

Ace, 1964

Clans of The Alphane Moon
Ace, 1964

Martian Time-Slip
Ballantine, 1964

The Penultimate Truth
Belmont, 1964

Dr Bloodmoney
Ace, 1965

The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch
Doubleday, 1965

The Crack In Space
Ace, 1966

The Unteleported Man
Ace, 1966

Now Wait For Last Year
Doubleday, 1966

Counter-Clock World
Berkley, 1967

The Zap Gun
Pyramid, 1967

The Ganymede Takeover
Ace, 1967

Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep
Doubleday, 1968

Galactic Pot-Healer
Berkley, 1969

Doubleday, 1969

Our Friends From Frolix 8
Ace, 1970

A Maze of Death
Doubleday, 1970

We Can Build You
Daw, 1972

Flow My Tears The Policeman Said
Doubleday, 1974

Deus Irae
Doubleday, 1976

A Scanner Darkly
Doubleday, 1977

Bantam, 1981

The Divine Invasion
Timescape, 1981

Blade Runner
Ballantine, 1982

The Transmigration of Timothy Archer
Timescape, 1982

Lies Inc
Gollancz, 1984

Radio Free Albemuth
Arbor House, 1985

Ubik: The Screenplay
Coroboree, 1985

Nick And The Glimmung
Gollancz, 1988

Valis Trilogy
Quality Paperback, 1989

Three Early Novels
Gollancz, 2000

Cantata 140
Gollancz, 2003

Counterfeit Unrealities
SFBCE, 2004