This page is about the covers of the books of Philip K. Dick that were published in Spain. If you own books that are not shown here, please submit cover scans by email. We will be happy to add them to the gallery.

ELS ANDROIDES SOMIEN XAIS ELECTRICS? is a Catalan translation of DO ANDROIDS DREAM OF ELECTRIC SHEEP? This trade paperback edition, published in 2001 by Proa (Barcelona) features a 20-page introduction specially written for this edition by Jordi Jose. The first editon of this book was published by Edhesa in 1993.
Publisher: Collection: Proa / Les eines
Binding: Paperback
Year Published: 2001
ISBN: 84-8437-283-9
Language: Catalan
 The Man in the High Castle Minotauro
|  Flow My Tears, the Policeman Said Acervo
|  Solar Lottery Cenit 1960 |  The Man Who Japed Cenit 1961 |  The Cosmic Puppets Vertice 1966 |
 Martian Time-Slip Vertice 1967 |  Eye in the Sky Rumeu 1969 |  Ubik Martinez Roca 1976 |  The Penultimate Truth Martinez Roca 1976 |  Deus Irae Bruguera 1977 |
 Martian Time-Slip Edhasa 1978 |  The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch Martinez Roca 1979 |  A Scanner Darkly Acervo 1980 |  Counter-Clock World EDAF 1980 |  Valis Adiax 1981 |
 Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? Edhasa 1982 |  Ubik Orbis 1985 |  Eye in the Sky Orbis 1985 |  Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? Orbis 1986 |  The Man in the High Castle Minotauro 1986 |
 Our Friends From Frolix 8 Martinez Roca 1987 |  The Man in the High Castle Orbis 1987 |  Deus Irae Ediciones B 1987 |  Deus Irae Ediciones B 1987 |  The Simulacra Martinez Roca 1988 |
 Valis Ultramar 1988 |  We Can Build You Martinez Roca 1988 |  Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? Edhasa 1988 |  Dr Bloodmoney Edhasa 1988 |  Now Wait For Last Year Jucar 1988 |
 Time Out of Joint Edhasa 1988 |  The Game-Players of Titan Edhasa 1989 |  The Divine Invasion Ultramar 1990 |  Clans of the Alphane Moon Miraguano 1990 |  Radio Free Albemuth Ultramar 1990 |
 Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? Circulo de Lectores 1991 |  Eye in the Sky Edhasa 1991 |  Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? Edhesa 1993 |  The Man in the High Castle Minotauro 1994 |  A Maze of Death Plaza & Jane 1999 |
 Blade Runner Edhasa 2000 |  UBIK La Factoria de Ideas 2000 |  Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? Proa 2001 |  Blade Runner Edhasa 2001 |  Blade Runner De Agostini 2001 |
 Valis Minotauro 2001 |  Solar Lottery Minotauro 2001 |  Martian Time-Slip Minotauro 2002 |  The Man in the High Castle Minotauro 2002 |  A Scanner Darkly Minotauro 2002 |
 The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch Minotauro 2002 |  The Simulacra Minotauro 2003 |  Clans of the Alphane Moon Minotauro 2003 |  Valis Minotauro 2003 |  Solar Lottery Minotauro 2003 |
 The Penultimate Truth Minotauro 2004 |  Our Friends From Frolix 8 Minotauro 2004 |  Ubik La factoria de Ideas 2004 |  The Divine Invasion Minotauro 2004 |  The Zap Gun Gigamesh 2005 |
 Ubik La Factoria de Ideas 2005 |  Blade Runner Planeta Agostini 2006 |  Blade Runner Edhasa 2007 |  Ubik La factoria de Ideas 2009 |  Ubik La Factoria de Ideas 2009 |
 The Man in the High Castle Minotauro 2010 |  Ubik Minotauro 2011 |  Flow My Tears, the Policeman Said Minotauro 2011 |  The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch Booket 2012 |  The Transmigration of Timothy Archer Minotauro 2012 |
 Blade Runner Booket 2012 |  Ubik Booket 2012 |  Time Out of Joint Minotauro 2012 |  Now Wait For Last Year Minotauro 2013 |  Dr Bloodmoney Minotauro 2013 |
 A Maze of Death Minotauro 2013 |  The Man in the High Castle Booket 2014 |  Nick and the Glimmung Minotauro 2017 |  Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? Minotauro 2019 |  Flow My Tears, the Policeman Said Minotauro 2019 |
 The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch Minotauro 2019 |  Ubik Minotauro 2019 |  Clans of the Alphane Moon Minotauro 2020 |  Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? Minotauro 2020 |  Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? Minotauro 2020 |
 The Penultimate Truth Minotauro 2020 |  Time out of Joint Minotauro 2020 |  Valis Minotauro 2020 |  The Divine Invasion Minotauro 2021 |  Martian Time-Slip Minotauro 2021 |
 Solar Lotery Minotauro 2021 | | | | |
 A World of Talent Edhasa 1967 |  Complete Stories Minotauro 2020 |  Complete Stories Minotauro 2020 |  Complete Stories Minotauro 2020 |  Complete Stories Minotauro 2020 |
 Complete Stories Minotauro 2020 |  Electric Dreams Minotauro 2018 |  Flow My Tears, the Policeman Said Cenit 1961 |  Minority Report Ediciones B 2002 |  Minority Report Circulo de Lectores 2002 |
 The Collected Stories Vol. 1 Martinez Roca 1989 |  The Collected Stories Vol. 1 Minotauro 2005 |  The Collected Stories Vol. 2 Martinez Roca 1993 |  The Collected Stories Vol. 2 Minotauro 2006 |  The Collected Stories Vol. 3 Martinez Roca 1994 |
 The Collected Stories Vol. 3 Minotauro 2007 |  The Collected Stories Vol. 4 Minotauro 2008 |  The Collected Stories Vol. 5 Minotauro 2008 |  The Preserving Machine Edhasa 1989 |  The Variable Man Edhasa 1966 |
 Upon the Dull Earth Edhasa 1978 | | | | |