Main Stream Novels

Confessions of a Crap Artist The Broken Bubble Gather Yourselves Together Humpty Dumpty in Oakland The Man Whose Teeth Were All Exactly Alike Mary and the Giant In Milton Lumky Territory Puttering About in a Small Land Voices from the Street

The Mainstream Novels of Philip K. Dick

While he was publishing science fiction stories in Pulp Magazines by the dozens in the 50's, Philip K. Dick was also aspiring at being recognized as a "literary" writer. During this period he wrote several mainstream realistic novels but none got published at the time. The first to be published (and the only one to be published during his life time) is Confessions of a Crap Artist (written in 1959, published in 1975). It was not until 1984 that another of his mainstream novel (The Man Whose Teeth Were All Exactly Alike, written 1960) made it to the bookstores. With the publication of Voices From The Street in 2007 (written in 1952) nine mainstream novels have been published today. A number of manuscripts for mainstream novels from the mid 50's have not been published including A time for George Stavros, which has been repeatedly rejected by the publishers and Pilgrim on the Hill.


precious artifactsPrecious Artifacts: A Philip K. Dick Bibliography, US and UK Editions, 1955-2024.

A complete and illustrated bibliography of Philip K. Dick. Much more detailed than the one on this web site, the bibliography is available in trade paperback format and in a limited hardcover edition (sold out). A must have for any PKD fan, scholar, and book dealer. Please visit for more information.


  • To see the cover art and bibliographic details of all these editions click on titles in left menu
  • First editions

Mainstream Novels in Chronological Order of Publication

  1. Confessions of a Crap Artist (1975, w. 1959)
  2. The Man Whose Teeth Were All Exactly Alike (1975, w. 1960)
  3. Puttering About In A Small Land (1985, w. 1957)
  4. In Milton Lumky Territory (1986, w. 1958)
  5. Humpty Dumpty in Oakland (1987, w. 1960)
  6. Mary And The Giant (1987, w. 1953)
  7. The Broken Bubble (1988, w. 1956)
  8. Gather Yourselves Together (1994, w. 1952)
  9. Voices From The Street (2007, w. 1952)