Philip K. Dick Inspired Music
Sonic Youth - Sister

- Schizophrenia
- Catholic Block
- Beauty Lies In The Eye
- Stereo Sanctity a
- Pipeline/Kill Time
- Tuff Gnarl Listen
- Pacific Coast Highway
- Hot Wire My Heart
- Cotton Crown
- White Cross
- Master-Dik
Sister is an album by alternative rock band Sonic Youth. A loose concept album (like its follow-up Daydream Nation), Sister was in part inspired by the life and works of science fiction writer Philip K. Dick. (The "sister" of the title was Dick's fraternal twin, who died shortly after her birth, and whose memory haunted Dick his entire life.)
Bunnydrums - Simulacra

Bunnydrums a band with "...a ravenous appetite for the works of science fiction master Philip K. Dick." The Bunnydrums played from 1980 to 1987 and have regrouped in 2006 . The CD is a collection of 19 tracks including Feather Web (1983) dedicated to Philip K. Dick. You can visit their Myspace page for more information on their projects.
Divine Invasion

Music CD by the Electro-Assasins (Fifth Column 1995)
Radio Free Albemuth

Music CD by Stuart Hamm (Relativity, 1990)
- Radio Free Albemuth
- Flow My Tears
- Dr. Gradus Ad Parnasum
- Sexually Active
- Simple Dreams
- Country Music (A Night in Hell)
- Moonlight Sonata
Study for Philip K. Dick

Music by Klaus Schulze, in "La Vie Electronique" (2009)
Member of Tangerine Dream in 1969, founder of Ash Ra Tempel in 1970 before starting a solo career as an electronic music soloist, Klaus Schulze is the founder of modern electronic music. His meditative soundscapes played a major influential role in the development of New Age music. His masterpieces (Moondawn, Mirage or Timewind) remain unrivaled today. Study for Philip K. Dick was written between 1972 and 1975 (around the time when Flow My Tears The Policeman Said was published) first released in 1995, and is now released in an album entitled "La Vie Electronique 2". Study for Philip K. Dick can be purchased from Amazon and all his music is available from emusic (see banner in sidebar). I have been a fan of Schulze since the 70's and his music is makes great company when updating this website late at night.

Music by Moskar 3
From the south west of France comes this electronica album, dedicated to the letter K, like in Philip K. Dick and in Kafka. Four tracks, K, K.Dick, K.Liss and K.Priss are of Dickian inpiration. The first track, K, blends PKD's voice talking about A Scanner Darkly, paranoia, and the lasting effects of living in the Berkeley counterculture, with a music influenced by Chrome, Helios Creed, Giacinto Scelsi, The Residents and krautrock. Listen to album here: