This page is about the covers of the books of Philip K. Dick that were published in Italy. If you own books that are not shown here, please submit cover scans by email. We will be happy to add them to the gallery.
This page is about the covers of the books of Philip K. Dick that were published in Italy. If you own Philip K. Dick books translated in Italian that do not appear on this page you can help complete this gallery by submitting cover scans by email . We will be happy to add them to the gallery.
 Solar Lottery Urania Mondadori 1958 |  Eye in the Sky Urania Mondadori 1959 |  Time Out of Joint Romanzi del Corriere 1959 |  The Cosmic Puppets Urania Mondadori 1962 |  Dr Futurity Galassia 1963 |
 Vulcan′s Hammer Urania Mondadori 1963 |  The Man Who Japed Galassia 1964 |  The World Jones Made Galassia 1965 |  Dr Bloodmoney Urania Mondadori 1965 |  The Man in the High Castle La Tribuna SFBC 1965 |
 The Simulacra La Tribuna SFBC 1965 |  The Man in the High Castle La Tribuna SFBC 1965 |  The Penultimate Truth La Tribuna SFBC 1966 |  The Game-Players of Titan Galassia 1967 |  Time Out of Joint Urania Mondadori 1968 |
 The Unteleported Man La Tribuna 1968 |  The Ganymede Takeover Mondadori 1968 |  Eye in the Sky Urania Mondadori 1969 |  The Crack in Space Galassia 1969 |  Galactic Pot-Healer Galassia 1969 |
 Clans of the Alphane Moon Fanucci 1970 |  Solar Lottery Urania Mondadori 1970 |  The Zap Gun Galassia 1970 |  The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch Libra Editrice 1970 |  The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch Libra Editrice 1970 |
 Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? Galassia 1971 |  Now Wait For Last Year Editrice Nord 1971 |  The Unteleported Man La Tribuna 1971 |  The Crack in Space La Tribuna 1971 |  Counter-Clock World DallOglio 1972 |
 Our Friends From Frolix 8 Galassia 1972 |  The Zap Gun Bigalassia 1973 |  Clans of the Alphane Moon Bigalassia 1973 |  Martian Time-Slip Editrice Nord 1973 |  A Maze of Death La Tribuna 1974 |
 We Can Build You Ennio Ciscato 1974 |  Ubik Galassia 1975 |  Dr Bloodmoney Mondadori 1975 |  The Cosmic Puppets Mondadori 1975 |  Time Out of Joint Mondadori 1975 |
 The Man in the High Castle Editrice Nord 1977 |  Deus Irae Libra Editrice 1977 |  Our Friends From Frolix 8 La Tribuna 1977 |  Flow My Tears, the Policeman Said Editrice Nord 1977 |  Solar Lottery Urania Mondadori 1978 |
 A Scanner Darkly Editrice Nord 1979 |  The Crack in Space Bompiani 1979 |  Vulcan′s Hammer Urania Mondadori 1979 |  The Ganymede Takeover Mondadori 1979 |  Ubik La Tribuna 1979 |
 Eye in the Sky Mondadori 1980 |  The Game-Players of Titan Editrice Nord 1980 |  The Simulacra Editrice Nord 1980 |  The Penultimate Truth Editrice Nord 1981 |  Martian Time-Slip Editrice Nord 1983 |
 Time Out of Joint Urania Mondadori 1983 |  The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch Editrice Nord 1984 |  Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? Editrice Nord 1986 |  The Divine Invasion Urania Mondadori 1986 |  The Man Who Japed Urania Mondadori 1986 |
 Eye in the Sky Mondadori 1986 |  Solar Lottery Mondadori 1986 |  The Cosmic Puppets Mondadori 1986 |  Vulcan′s Hammer Mondadori 1986 |  Blade Runner Euroclub 1987 |
 The World Jones Made Urania Mondadori 1987 |  Dr Bloodmoney Mondadori 1988 |  The Man in the High Castle Club Degli Editori 1988 |  The Man in the High Castle Club Degli Editori 1988 |  Counter-Clock World Fanucci 1989 |
 Ubik Fanucci 1989 |  Vulcan′s Hammer Urania Mondadori 1990 |  Clans of the Alphane Moon Fanucci 1991 |  The Ganymede Takeover Mondadori 1991 |  Martian Time-Slip Editrice Nord 1992 |
 Solar Lottery Mondadori 1992 |  A Scanner Darkly Cronopio 1993 |  Now Wait For Last Year Urania Mondadori 1993 |  The Man in the High Castle Editrice Nord 1993 |  The Zap Gun Fanucci 1993 |
 A Maze of Death Fanucci 1994 |  Lies, Inc. Urania Mondadori 1994 |  Nick and the Glimmung Mondadori 1994 |  The Cosmic Puppets Urania Mondadori 1994 |  The Simulacra Nord Cosmo Oro 1994 |
 The Cosmic Puppets Mondadori 1994 |  Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? Editrice Nord 1995 |  Our Friends From Frolix 8 Fanucci 1995 |  The Crack in Space Bompiani 1995 |  Ubik Fanucci 1995 |
 The Unteleported Man Mondadori 1995 |  Blade Runner Fanucci 1996 |  Dr Futurity Urania Mondadori 1996 |  Galactic Pot-Healer Bompiani 1996 |  Radio Free Albemuth Fanucci 1996 |
 Time Out of Joint Sellerio 1996 |  The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch Sellerio 1996 |  Dr Bloodmoney Einaudi ET 1997 |  Solar Lottery Mondadori 1997 |  The Man in the High Castle Fanucci 1997 |
 The Simulacra Fanucci 1997 |  We Can Build You Fanucci 1997 |  A Scanner Darkly Fanucci 1998 |  Clans of the Alphane Moon Urania Mondadori 1998 |  Eye in the Sky Fanucci 1998 |
 Galactic Pot-Healer Fanucci 1998 |  Martian Time-Slip Fanucci 1998 |  Nick and the Glimmung Mondadori 1998 |  The Crack in Space Bompiani 1998 |  The Man Who Japed Urania Mondadori 1998 |
 The Simulacra Fanucci 1998 |  The Zap Gun Urania Mondadori 1998 |  Ubik Fanucci 1998 |  Flow My Tears, the Policeman Said Mondadori 1998 |  A Maze of Death Fanucci 1999 |
 Now Wait For Last Year Urania Mondadori 1999 |  Our Friends From Frolix 8 Fanucci 1999 |  The Man in the High Castle Fanucci 1999 |  The Penultimate Truth Urania Mondadori 1999 |  Time Out of Joint Sellerio 1999 |
 Ubik Fanucci 1999 |  The Penultimate Truth Mondadori 1999 |  The Zap Gun Mondadori 1999 |  Eye in the Sky Mondadori 1999 |  Solar Lottery Mondadori 1999 |
 The Cosmic Puppets Mondadori 1999 |  Vulcan′s Hammer Mondadori 1999 |  The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch Sellerio 1999 |  Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? Fanucci 2000 |  The Divine Invasion Mondadori 2000 |
 The Transmigration of Timothy Archer Mondadori 2000 |  The Valis Trilogy Fanucci 2000 |  The Valis Trilogy Fanucci 2000 |  Ubik Mondadori 2000 |  The Game-Players of Titan Fanucci 2000 |
 Flow My Tears, the Policeman Said Mondadori 2000 |  Flow My Tears, the Policeman Said Urania Mondadori 2000 |  Counter-Clock World Fanucci 2001 |  Deus Irae Fanucci 2001 |  The Man in the High Castle Fanucci 2001 |
 The World Jones Made Fanucci 2001 |  The Crack in Space Fanucci 2002 |  Martian Time-Slip Fanucci 2002 |  The Simulacra Fanucci 2002 |  Eye in the Sky Fanucci 2003 |
 Time Out of Joint Fanucci 2003 |  Ubik Fanucci 2003 |  The Man in the High Castle Fanucci 2003 |  UBIK Fanucci 2003 |  Counter-Clock World Fanucci 2003 |
 A Maze of Death Fanucci 2003 |  The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch Fanucci 2003 |  A Scanner Darkly Fanucci 2004 |  Blade Runner Fanucci 2004 |  Radio Free Albemuth Fanucci 2004 |
 Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? Fanucci 2004 |  Clans of the Alphane Moon Fanucci 2005 |  Solar Lottery Fanucci 2005 |  We Can Build You Fanucci 2005 |  The Man in the High Castle Fanucci 2005 |
 The Simulacra Fanucci 2005 |  The Game-Players of Titan Fanucci 2005 |  A Scanner Darkly Fanucci 2006 |  A Scanner Darkly Fanucci 2006 |  Blade Runner Fanucci 2006 |
 Our Friends From Frolix 8 Fanucci 2006 |  Time Out of Joint Fanucci 2006 |  Dr. Bloodmoney Fanucci 2006 |  Martian Time-Slip Fanucci 2006 |  The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch Fanucci 2006 |
 The World Jones Made Fanucci 2007 |  Clans of the Alphane Moon Fanucci 2007 |  Deus Irae Fanucci 2007 |  Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? Fanucci 2007 |  Martian Time-Slip Fanucci 2007 |
 Our Friends From Frolix 8 Fanucci 2007 |  The Crack in Space Fanucci 2007 |  The Simulacra Fanucci 2007 |  A Maze of Death Fanucci 2007 |  A Scanner Darkly Fanucci 2007 |
 Counter-Clock World Fanucci 2007 |  Dr Bloodmoney Fanucci 2007 |  Eye in the Sky Fanucci 2007 |  Radio Free Albemuth Fanucci 2007 |  Solar Lottery Fanucci 2007 |
 The Game-Players of Titan Fanucci 2007 |  The Man in the High Castle Fanucci 2007 |  Time Out of Joint Fanucci 2007 |  Ubik Fanucci 2007 |  We Can Build You Fanucci 2007 |
 Flow My Tears, the Policeman Said Fanucci 2007 |  The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch Fanucci 2007 |  Blade Runner TIF 2008 |  The Penultimate Truth Fanucci 2008 |  Ubik Fanucci 2008 |
 A Scanner Darkly Fanucci 2009 |  Now Wait For Last Year Fanucci 2009 |  A Scanner Darkly Fanucci 2010 |  Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? Fanucci 2010 |  Ubik Fanucci 2010 |
 Dr Futurity Fanucci 2011 |  Ubik Fanucci 2011 |  The Cosmic Puppets Fanucci 2011 |  The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch Fanucci 2011 |  Our Friends From Frolix 8 Fanucci 2012 |
 A Maze of Death Fanucci 2012 |  A Scanner Darkly Fanucci 2012 |  Clans of the Alphane Moon Fanucci 2012 |  Deus Irae Fanucci 2012 |  Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? Fanucci 2012 |
 Dr Bloodmoney Fanucci 2012 |  Eye in the Sky Fanucci 2012 |  Galactic Pot-Healer Fanucci 2012 |  Martian Time-Slip Fanucci 2012 |  Now Wait For Last Year Fanucci 2012 |
 Radio Free Albemuth Fanucci 2012 |  Solar Lottery Fanucci 2012 |  The Crack in Space Fanucci 2012 |  The Game-Players of Titan Fanucci 2012 |  The Man in the High Castle Fanucci 2012 |
 The Simulacra Fanucci 2012 |  The World Jones Made Fanucci 2012 |  The Zap Gun Fanucci 2012 |  Time Out of Joint Fanucci 2012 |  Vulcan′s Hammer Fanucci 2012 |
 We Can Build You Fanucci 2012 |  Flow My Tears, the Policeman Said Fanucci 2012 |  Humpty Dumpty in Oakland Fanucci 2013 |  Nick and the Glimmung Fanucci 2013 |  The Ganymede Takeover Fanucci 2013 |
 The Man Who Japed Fanucci 2013 |  The Zap Gun Fanucci 2013 | | | |
 Adjustment Bureau Fanucci 2011 |  Adjustment Bureau Fanucci 2011 |  Collected Stories Vol. 1 Interno Gallio 1994 |  Collected Stories Vol. 1 Fanucci 1995 |  Collected Stories Vol. 1 Mondadori 1996 |
 Collected Stories Vol. 1 Mondadori 1996 |  Collected Stories Vol. 1 Fanucci 2006 |  Collected Stories Vol. 2 Interno Gallio 1995 |  Collected Stories Vol. 2 Fanucci 1995 |  Collected Stories Vol. 2 Mondadori 1997 |
 Collected Stories Vol. 2 Fanucci 2008 |  Collected Stories Vol. 3 Interno Gallio 1996 |  Collected Stories Vol. 3 Mondadori 2002 |  Collected Stories Vol. 3 Fanucci 2009 |  Collected Stories Vol. 4 Interno Gallio 1997 |
 Collected Stories Vol. 4 Fanucci 2009 |  Complete Stories Vol. 1 Fanucci 2012 |  Complete Stories Vol. 2 Fanucci 2012 |  Complete Stories Vol. 3 Fanucci 2012 |  Complete Stories Vol. 4 Fanucci 2012 |
 I Hope I Shall Arrive Soon Urania Mondadori 1988 |  Minority Report Fanucci 2002 |  Minority Report Fanucci 2004 |  Minority Report Fanucci 2005 |  Minority Report Fanucci 2010 |
 Next Fanucci 2008 |  Second Variety Urania Mondadori 1964 |  The Best of PKD Siad 1980 |  The Book of PKD Fanucci 1977 |  The Book of PKD Fanucci 1989 |
 The Book of PKD Fanucci 1990 |  The Electric Ant Mondadori 1997 |  The Golden Man Urania Mondadori 1981 |  The Golden Man Urania Mondadori 1981 |  The Preserving Machine Fanucci 1976 |
 The Preserving Machine Fanucci 1976 |  The stories of Philip K. Dick Unita Cinema 51 1998 |  The stories of Philip K. Dick Unita Cinema 54 1998 |  The Variable Man Fanucci 1979 |  The Variable Man Fanucci 1989 |
 The Variable Man Fanucci 1996 |  The War with the Fnools Urania Mondadori 2000 |  Total Recall Mondadori 1990 |  Total Recall Club Degli Editori 1991 |  Total Recall Mondadori 1996 |
 Visioni Dal Futuro Fanucci 2004 |  Visioni Dal Futuro Fanucci 2006 | | | |