Main Stream Novels

Confessions of a Crap Artist The Broken Bubble Gather Yourselves Together Humpty Dumpty in Oakland The Man Whose Teeth Were All Exactly Alike Mary and the Giant In Milton Lumky Territory Puttering About in a Small Land Voices from the Street

Confessions of a Crap Artist (1975)


  • Pictures of places described in Confessions.

Confessions of a Crap Artist is Philip K. Dick's only mainstream novel that was published during his lifetime and it is probably his best one. The story is set around the town of Point Reyes Station in Marin County, north of San Francisco, where PKD lived in the early 60's.

New: Foreign editions of Philip K. Dick books.

American Editions

  • Entwhistle 1975, 171 pages, $25.00, 90 numbered copies signed by Dick, hard cover
  • Entwhistle 1975, 171 pages, $10.00, 410 copies, hard cover
  • Entwhistle 1975, 171 pages, $5.75, trade paperback
  • Entwhistle 1978, 171 pages, $3.95, trade paperback
  • Timescape 1982, 207 pages, 2.75, paperback
  • Vintage 1992, 246 pages, $10.00, trade paperback

British Editions

  • Magnum 1979, 172 pages, £1.25, paperback
  • Paladin 1989, 272 pages, £4.50, trade paperback
  • Gollancz 2005, 256 pages, £7.50, trade paperback

Cover Gallery

Philip K. Dick Confessions of a Crap Artist cover Philip K. Dick Confessions of a Crap Artist cover Philip K. Dick Confessions of a Crap Artist cover Philip K. Dick Confessions of a Crap Artist cover Philip K. Dick Confessions of a Crap Artist cover
Entwhistle, 1975Entwhistle, 1975Magnum, 1979Timescape, 1982Paladin, 1989
Philip K. Dick Confessions of a Crap Artist cover
Gollancz, 2005

Foreign Editions

Back Covers of Books

From the back cover of the 1979 Magnum edition

It is California in the 1950's and Jack Seville, collector of extraordinary scientific facts, fringe theories and rocks, goes to live with his dominating sister and her hard-working husband Charley, a master of verbal abuse. Jack chronicles their life in a sprawling farmhouse in Marin county with the detachment of a scientist. What emerges is a picture of california, home of eccentrics and madmen, in the making.

Philip K. Dick is a Hugo award winning novelist best known for such classics as THE MAN IN THE HIGH CASTLE, MARTIAN TIME-SLIP and DO ANDROIDS DREAM OF ELECTRIC SHEEP? His most recent novel, A SCANNER DARKLY, has been greeted with enthusiasm by both readers of mainstream fiction and science fiction fans alike. CONFESSION OF A CRAP ARTIST also bridges the gap between science fiction and general fiction. Marked by his wonderful sense of the absurd, it is surreally funny, yet always credible and magnificently readable.

From the back cover of the 1989 Paladin edition

Jack Isidore was tyre regroover by trade, but his true vocation lay in collecting items of amazing information (did you know that that the Saragasso Sea actually exists? that the Japanese are not really human beings?) and observing the behaviour of those around him from a detached, "scientific" viewpoint.
His sister's husband had described Jack as a crap artist, but when he found himself homeless, Fay let him move into their luxury ranch house in Marin County, California. There Jack was able to play with the children-and bring his analytical turn of mind to bear on Fay's strange marriage to foul-mouthed factory owner Charley Hume.